Why Transit Matters

On May 14, 2024, MobiliSE hosted its spring summit, “Why Transit Matters.”

The event drew 60 plus participants, including transit riders, advocates, and civic and business leaders from throughout the SE Wisconsin region.

The purpose of the event was to articulate a clear case for Why Transit Matters for SE Wisconsin and its future, issue a call to action to get involved, and to offer participants perspective on how to be more effective advocates.

Click here for an event agenda.

Check out event photos here.

Watch a video about the event here.

Read media coverage here.

What we Learned

We have much to be optimistic about:

  • FlexRide Milwaukee, MobiliSE's on demand workforce transportation service, continues to grow. Last month we broke an all time record of nearly 5,000 rides in a single month, and have given nearly 75,000 rides since we launched 2 years ago.

  • Milwaukee County Transit System's CONNECT 1 Bus Rapid Transit route is attracting new riders and is a model for other similar services around the country. MCTS is planning a second route, CONNECT 2, along 27th Street.

  • Our streets are undergoing significant changes to enhance safety for all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians and transit riders.

  • A growing chorus of voices from across the region is speaking up for transportation choices across SE Wisconsin, including many who came out in 2023 in support of a sales tax to support transit, and other services, across Milwaukee County. This “Save the Bus” campaign was successful, preventing significant cuts in MCTS service.

But we have much work to do:

  • While the successful “Save the Bus” campaign in 2023 prevented immediate cuts, long term funding challenges remain for MCTS and other regional transit systems.

  •  FlexRide Milwaukee's current funding runs through early 2025. Sustaining this critical service is MobiliSE's highest priority.

  • A significant immediate challenge is that transit funding has been removed from the State's transportation fund and into the general fund, where it competes against schools, mental health services and much more. Our event participants identified this issue as the highest near-term priority for advocates via an in-event survey and in post-surveys.


How can we be more effective advocates?

  • Our event participants identified more frequent, informal events as the critical next step to build on our momentum. We heard this feedback and are planning a Fall series to bring advocates together around topics critical to transportation advocacy. Keep up with us at www.mobilisewi.org/events

  • Our keynote speaker Cam Hardy of Better Bus Coalition of Cincinnati impressed upon us the importance of a broad base of advocates and strong organization to get things done for transit. MobiliSE, through our 27th Street Roundtable Series, and partnerships across the region, is working to build that base and equip advocates with talking points, knowledge and networks to make things happen. Stay tuned to www.mobilise.org/advocacy for updates.


“I'm optimistic that we will speak the truth. We'll tell these stories and those barriers come down, so everybody can have an opportunity for transportation, great employment opportunities, education and access.”

-Mildred Coby, Employ Milwaukee

“Transit is one of the most important things we can do as a community. You need to have advocates, and you need to have people aligned in a way that can make things happen. And you have that now.”

-Joel Brennan, Greater Milwaukee Committee